
Showing posts from 2025

March of Robots 2025 Day 12

 #marchofrobots2025 Day 12 is ALONE. How sad.

March of Robots 2025 Day 11

 "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." #marchofrobots2025 is MAGIC! Here is a magical little Gandalf robot. Am I the first person to create a Gandalf robot? I don't know. I might make prints of this one.

March of Robots 2025 Day 3

 #marchofrobots2025 Day 3 is TRICK (or treat)! What do you think?

March of Robots 2025 Day 2

 March of Robots Day 2 is CONE and this poor robot is having a super bad day with his ice cream cone. :(

March of Robots 2025 Day 1

It's March of Robots time! Are you going to participate? Day 1 is BIG! So get out of the way of this enormous robot monster!

Inkberry Comics: Hourly Comic Day!

 It's Hourly Comic Day this week! Here are mine! It was on a Saturday this year so I had dance practice and then collapsed from exhaustion. 

Inkberry Comics: What Now

  "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost      Los Angeles has been burning down for the past couple weeks and I don't quite know what to say about it. I took a little break from social media as it's just been a lot. We are safe but many of our friends have lost everything. It feels strange to have to continue some semblance of normalcy when the city is still  on fire. But like many hardships in life, the only thing we can do is go on.      If you were displaced or affected by the fires and need assistance, please comment your GoFundMe or whatever else you need and I will help you/share it. Especially for any diabetics who need immediate supplies, there are some amazing organizations that can help that I can connect you with. I hope you are all safe.